Volunteering in Canada as a new immigrant: Introduction and benefits

Volunteering as a new immigrant to Canada
Doesn’t giving your time for a good cause feel extremely satisfying? Volunteering impacts the community in so many positive ways, from activities as simple as mowing a neighbour’s lawn to making public aids like food banks a possibility. Volunteering in Canada as a new immigrant can be a very rewarding and exciting experience. Check out our blog post and useful video links below to get started!
Benefits of volunteering as a new immigrant
There are a number of benefits that come along with giving your time. As a new immigrant to Canada, you might strengthen your language abilities, get settled into your new home faster, or even get free training for a new skill! The following video is an introduction to why volunteering might be right for you.
Many newcomers volunteer as a way to develop their careers. Jumpstarting your livelihood by working for free may seem counterproductive, but it can be a valuable experience that can let you take advantage of training opportunities and much more. And plus, volunteering will give you “Canadian experience,” which could help you find a paying job in the same or related field. Volunteering further provides a unique opportunity to build one’s personal and professional network that can be rewarding in more than one ways as you settle and succeed in Canada.
If you have worries about volunteering as a new immigrant or just don’t know where to start, you’ll want to take a look at the next video. There are a lot of reasons why you might be concerned about starting, but you’ll find that taking the leap may just be the best thing for you. Learn how to find the right volunteer position for you in the final video.
Liked this blog post? Check out our other recent posts on Settlement and Employment as a New Canadian.
Selena Dawod