Home Destination: Canada Sarnia-Lambton Sarnia-Lambton is a hot-spot for entrepreneurs

Sarnia-Lambton is a hot-spot for entrepreneurs

Sarnia-Lambton is a haven for small business owners. Unique factors such as a low cost of living and community resources for entrepreneurs make it a desirable spot to set up shop. If you’re keen on being your own boss, listen to what the Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) of Sarnia-Lambton has to offer to small business owners.

Also watch: Get a business loan with ACCESS Community Capital Fund

Video transcript:

Matthew Slotwinski:
There are several things that are unique about Sarnia-Lambton when a new immigrant is considering basing a business in the area. The very first thing to make note of outside of our tremendous location is that it’s an extremely cheap location to operate a business. So, if we’re comparing our area to the greater Toronto area, for example, where a house alone might cost $700,000 locally, you could get that same house for 300,000 and have access to that additional $400,000 simply to put into the development of your new business.

Iris Nouri:
I started my own business as Tilda Design here. My focus is in the kitchen, but I’m doing some interior design too. It’s a small city. When you live in that kind of city, you have more time. You are more free because when you live in big cities you spend a lot of time in traffic and you have to do a lot of stuff and then you don’t have that time. And the cost here is less, it is not like there. And then you don’t have to worry about a lot of extra stuff. So you can be more focused on your own business. You have more time, you have more money and then you feel more safe.

Donald Anderson:
So, the Sarnia-Lambton Business Development Corporation was founded in 1988. We provide a variety of business-related services to the community for residents of Lambton County. We provide business planning assistance. We provide business counselling services, as well as financing for small businesses, you know, startups and existing businesses, and for the acquisition of new businesses as well. If someone is still overseas, can they contact us and use a service? Certainly, if they’re looking to establish a business in Lambton, we’re here to support them. We’re here to help them in the process so that when they do get here, they’re almost ready to go at that point. We want to encourage that. We want to help you do that.

Matthew Slotwinski:
So, the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership is the local economic development arm for the city of Sarnia and the county of Lambton. We represent all 11 municipalities within Lambton County, and our goal is across several different arms. One is industry attraction, trying to bring new business to the area, and create economic growth and new jobs. On the other hand, we also work to try and retain the existing businesses in the area. Make sure that they remain viable both now and into the future. And also work to bring newcomers and immigrants to the area and make sure that they can succeed either as entrepreneurs, for example, or alternatively, retirees.

Richard Marhue:
I found Sarnia to be great. They want businesses to come. They’re willing to help you in terms of getting the government side of it, the paperwork, that type of thing. So, we joined the Chamber of Commerce and it was a great opportunity to meet a lot of other businesses. They gave us some guidance in terms of where to go, what to do, that kind of thing.

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