Home Employment Get these 3 things right in your job interview

Get these 3 things right in your job interview

Get these 3 things right in your job interview

An intriguing resume that highlights your skills and experience paves the way for a job interview. But how you perform when that moment arrives will eventually determine if a job offer is coming your way or not. Basically, we’re saying do your best in your next job interview. To help you do that, here are 3 pieces of solid advice for you.

1. Your attitude and tone of voice matter more than you think in a job interview

A job interview is always scheduled ahead of time. So, be ready for it! If you pick up a recruiter’s call in a rush or sound distracted or are running late for a virtual or in-person interview, it’s likely to create a weak first impression of you.

Do this instead: Answer the phone confidently and as the questions start flowing in, maintain that enthusiasm but don’t ramble on. “I think every answer to an interview question should be about 2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes max,” says Rebecca Lee, a Senior Recruitment Consultant.

Following our next tip will help you keep your answers concise but also packed with information.

2. Prepare a career sheet that will help you with smooth storytelling

To feel a bit nervous before a job interview is normal. However, the best way to not let anxiety get in the way is to be prepared. Amy Davies, CEO & Founder of First 30 Inc., a company that offers engaging onboarding and outplacement experiences, recommends storytelling your way to interview success.

No matter what kind of interview you have, the questions are all very similar. “When you prepare for a job interview, sit down with a pen and paper and jot down your career story – from the degree you received, why you took that course, how it applies in your career, the jobs you’ve been in, the roles you performed and stories of professional situations and your achievements. Go over this document multiple times. And then, when you get to the interview, you’ll have all these stories in your mind that are going to help you answer the questions you’re asked with a relaxed mind,” says Amy.

Employers want to hear you share more than the resume states and the storytelling approach with give them what they’re seeking in an engaging fashion.

Also read: Fix these 5 resume mistakes and see the difference

3. At the end of the job interview, ask questions to the recruiter/hiring manager

Most interviewers will give you a chance to ask them any questions you have towards the end of your interview. Make the most of this opportunity to learn more about the company, work culture, job responsibilities, etc. “Always prepare three questions and that’s something I tell my candidates,” says Rebecca Lee, adding. “It could be, ‘Tell me some of the priorities of this job, or maybe some of the professional challenges you are facing.’ And, the last question should always be ‘What are the next steps and what is the best way for me to follow up with you – phone call, text, or email?’ That way, you’re not stuck in that awkward waiting period. If you don’t ask, you might not get the answer.”

Bonus tip

A thank you after the interview goes a long way. Within 24 hours, send your hiring manager or recruiter a short and simple email thanking them for taking the time to speak with you, highlighting some of the things you spoke about, and reiterating your interest in the role.

These tips were shared by the experts in a Café New Canadians chat. Watch it here:

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