Home Education Bridge training programs by COSTI for internationally trained individuals in Canada

Bridge training programs by COSTI for internationally trained individuals in Canada

Bridge training programs (also known as bridging programs) are a great way for newcomers to Canada to get fast access to training, support towards a license or certificate, and assistance in finding employment in their profession or trade. In this information session, learn about the bridge training programs offered by COSTI.

  • Expressway Cybersecurity Bridging Program for internationally trained individuals with a background in IT to obtain certification and secure occupation in the highly demanded Cybersecurity field.
  • ITI Solutions: Bridging the Gap to Employment for internationally trained individuals with prior education in Engineering, Finance & Accounting, Healthcare and IT to obtain paid internship and employment in their field.
  • Mindset Makeover: Unboxing Visible Minority Newcomer Professional Women in their Employment Pursuit to break the mental and physical barriers women from diverse backgrounds face and increase their confidence.

Find details of any upcoming information sessions/next cohort dates here.

This session was presented during the Crossover virtual conference organized by New Canadians TV Network to help incoming and landed immigrant professionals re-establish their careers by bridging the gap between their international qualifications and the Canadian job market.

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