Magnet is proud to announce a special edition of the MagnetAI Bootcamp series hosted by New Canadians TV Network.
This webinar will bring New Canadians TV’s mission of empowering immigrants to MagnetAI’s series of webinars aimed at helping individuals and organizations harness gen AI for greater productivity, creativity, innovation, and growth.
The session, titled How can newcomers leverage generative AI when navigating Canada’s labour market, will include:
- A 30-minute intro presentation from Mark Patterson, Executive Director of Magnet, on the growing impact of gen AI for job seekers.
- A panel discussion moderated by Shruti Dargan, Content Manager at New Canadians TV Network (a division of New Horizons Media Inc.), with Daisy Wright, Chief Encouragement Officer at the Wright Career Solution, and Mark Patterson.

Speaker bios:
- Daisy Wright is an award-winning career coach and Chief Encouragement Officer at the Wright Career Solution. Wright partners with professionals and emerging leaders to accelerate
their career growth. She is the author of the Canadian bestseller, No Canadian Experience, Eh?, a career success guide for newcomers.
- Mark Patterson is the Executive Director of Magnet and a tech enthusiast. With his extensive experience forging bold partnerships, Mark leads innovation initiatives that leverage cutting-edge technology and digital connectivity to help Canada prepare for the future of work. Mark is always looking for new ways to help businesses and workers grow and succeed. He believes that collaboration is the key to success and that by working together, Canadians can achieve an inclusive, productive, and prosperous economic future.
Registration is free and open to anyone interested in learning about the impact of technology on navigating the Canadian job market.
Register now